
ENJOY YOUR NEW iPHONE. Sign up at the below link and then do any of the offers (stamps.com, blockbuster.com, and gamefly.com are the easiest) and then get the 8 referrals. Pretty simple actually...there is just 4 steps away till you get you free iphone!!!!
STEP 1: Click The Like Below
STEP 2: Sign up and chose an account type (Referral is the easiest and best). You can do a “points” based system, but “REFERRAL” will get you there quicker!
STEP 3: Complete just 1 offer like Blockbuster or Stamps.com (I did stamps.com) and refer up to 8 people to do the same. You can do an eBay auction like I did (just copy mine) or you can get 8 friends to do it.
STEP 4: IPHONE FOR FREE!!!!!!!!!!(Even The Shipping Is Free !!!) Should take about 14 days tops if you put some effort in it.